Playbooks Fields & Access Levels
This spread sheet contains all the pertinent information for every available Playbooks field used in reporting and a breakdown of each unmanaged package including the download links.
The Overview tab summarizes the number of included Object fields for each unmanaged package so administrators can quickly review what each package contains. The production and sandbox links for each package is imbedded in a second table on this tab. The Optional Fields are included in the field breakdown table but do not have an installation link since they are not included in an unmanaged package.
Fields and Access Level tab provides all the information needed to install each Playbooks field. Use this tab to add the Optional Fields. The far right columns identify what permission level the Access User needs and the Basic User needs. By properly setting field level access you can avoid data sync issues.
The Reports tab organizes every report by category. It lists the report name, category, a description of what information the report provides, and what unmanaged package included the required fields necessary for that report. If there is an X in the column under the unmanaged package name, then that report is included in that unmanaged package.