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Install the Unmanaged Package in Salesforce

By December 2, 2019February 16th, 2021No Comments

Install the Unmanaged Package in Salesforce

Step by step guide to install the Unmanaged Package



Every action completed in Playbooks creates important data that can be used to track the effectiveness of your current sales motion. Your CRM must have the proper fields established in order for the data to sync properly. Installing an unmanaged package is a huge time saver for Salesforce administrators because they contain the new fields and pre-built reports that combine the new fields and existing Salesforce standard fields. Consult with a technical resource at XANT to determine which unmanaged package should be installed.


  1. Review the Salesforce minimum requirements
  2. User completing the installation must have the Salesforce System Permission to “Download AppExchange Packages”.
  3. At least 11 available Custom Task fields.


There are three unmanaged packages to choose from:

  • Playbooks Essentials (without Email or Inbound Reporting)
    This is the latest version of the unmanaged package. This is the most basic package, so only install this version if your Salesforce environment does not have adequate space for additional custom fields.
  • Playbooks Essentials + Email Reporting
    This is the same Playbooks Essential package but with additional email fields.
  • Playbooks Essentials + Email and Inbound Reporting
    This has the same fields as the other two packages but with additional inbound call fields.
  1. When an account is provisioned, the Integration User will get a Welcome email. Click the GET PLAYBOOKS button in the email to get started.
  2. In a new Chrome tab, the Integration User must login to your Salesforce org.
    NOTE: Do NOT “Login As” the Integration User from the user details page. You must be natively logged in as the Integration User.
  3. Return to the Chrome tab with the Setup Wizard.
  4. Login to Playbooks. Depending on the credential type you requested during the provisioning process, you will either need to enter the Integration User’s email address and newly created password or use the “Sign in with Salesforce” option.
  5. Next, you will be brought to the “Install Unmanaged Package” screen. For details about what is included in each of the unmanaged packages, review this article.
    • If you are ready to install the unmanaged package click on the ‘INSTALL NOW’ text.
    • If you’d like to wait or skip this step entirely, check the box to indicate “I have installed the required package”.
  6. If you selected to install the unmanaged package, a new Salesforce App Exchange tab will be opened, and you will be directed to the Playbooks Fields & Reports unmanaged package.
    1. Change the option for “What if existing component names conflict with ones in the package” to the bottom option of “Rename conflicting components in package”.
    2. Select the middle option to ‘Install for All Users’.
      NOTE: Installing for all users does NOT enable
      Playbooks application for all users in your Salesforce organization.  Rather, it enables all new app-specific profile permissions added by Playbooks so that the application will function properly. This will make it much easier to add users from various profiles to Playbooks application in the future.
  7. Click Install. The installation process should take only a couple minutes to complete. You will see a completion alert as well as an email from once it was successfully installed.
  8. Return to the ‘Setup Wizard’ Chrome tab and check the box “I have installed the required package” box.
  9. Then click the NEXT button.



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