Playbooks will automatically update for most users on September 6th, however if a user is not updated they will need to uninstall and reinstall the extension. The extension will prompt them to do this when they attempt to login.

Click here to learn how you can uninstall and reinstall the Playbooks Chrome extension

Inbound Call Logging

When a rep makes an outbound call using Playbooks, they are given the ability to log the call – they can take notes, select a disposition, etc. Prior to this update, when an inbound call was routed to a rep they were not given the ability to log and take notes about the call.

With this update, reps are now given the ability to log their inbound calls. After answering an inbound call, a rep can open the call log to take notes. At the conclusion of an inbound call, Playbooks will automatically open the inbound call log to prompt the user to finish dispositioning the call.

When an inbound call is routed to a rep, Playbooks will attempt to automatically relate the inbound call to the appropriate record in the CRM. Reps can change what person or record the inbound call is related to as needed.

Administrator Configuration:
Similar to how administrators can configure what fields appear on the outbound call log, administrators can configure what fields should appear on the inbound call log.

To configure the fields on the inbound call log:

  1. Go to Settings in the Playbooks Manager app.
  2. Under Calls, select “Call Dispositions”
  3. Choose the desired call disposition set and press the edit pencil
  4. Switch the call log to “Inbound” to configure what fields will appear on inbound calls.

Implementation Details

  • If reps do not take inbound calls through Playbooks today, this improvement will not change their experience.
  • All reps will now be given an inbound call log when an inbound call is routed to them. There is no configuration to enable or disable this functionality.
  • Administrators can adjust what fields appear in the inbound call log. By default only “Subject” is on the inbound call log.


New NeuralVerify States with Mobile Phone Detection

Knowing if you’ll be successful at connecting with a key contact before ever reaching out ensures reps spend their time focusing on conversations, and not just dials or emails. With the improved NeuralVerify states, Playbooks now proactively tells reps more information about the phone numbers and emails they have for records. For example, Playbooks now indicates if the number a rep has is a mobile phone number.

With this release there are several new NeuralVerify states:

  • Mobile Number: Indicates if the phone number on file is a known mobile (cell phone) number.
  • No Answer Mobile Number: Indicates if the number is a known mobile (cell phone) number, but is known for not answering.
  • Verified Mobile Number: Indicates that the number is a known mobile (cell phone) number, and is known for picking up.
  • Previously Verified: Indicates if a phone or email address was previously verified but has not been verified for some time.
  • Matching number: Indicates if other sellers on the Playbooks platform also have this number of if its unique.
  • No Answer: Indicates that the given number does not have a history of being answered. If this is seen, it may be a good idea to track down an alternative number or try a different number on the record first.

Learn more about NeuralVerify here


Improved NeuralMap

Building interest and closing deals involves a sales rep engaging with multiple people on key accounts. As a result, reps spend countless hours each week hunting across the internet trying to find new people to reach out to at their accounts.

NeuralMap saves reps time by bringing relevant contacts directly to them in Playbooks. Playbooks recommends contacts, frequently with validated contact information, that a rep is not engaging with but should consider based on the collective intelligence of all other sells on the Playbooks platform.

Learn more about NeuralMap here

With this update, NeuralMap now has a feedback tool so that reps can help inform the collective intelligence system of good or poor recommendations for new contacts. Additionally, NeuralVerify has been added to NeuralMap so that reps know if the phone number and email addresses on file have been verified by the collective sellers on the Platform.

Implementation Details

  • No implementation is required – this is now the default functionality of NeuralMap.


Robots Actions Based on Email Interactions

Adjusting your Play cadence based on interactions your contacts have with your emails enables gives reps a more flexible way to engage with prospects. With this update, Administrators can now create automatic Robots that perform automated actions based on email interactions.

Example Use Cases:

  • Leveraging the Close Score, a manager may create an auto-email only Play where they automatically enroll their lowest scored contacts. When one of these contacts opens an email, or clicks on an email link, the Robot will automatically put the contact into a Play that contains a phone call so reps start spending more time engaging with them.
  • An administrator can create a Robot that automatically changes a lead status or other information on the record when a person responds to an email.
  • An administrator can create a Robot that takes a record out of a Play and sends the rep a message when an email they sent to a contact bounced.

Implementation Details

  • Only administrators can create Robots. Creating and editing Robots takes place in the Playbooks manager app in the Robots tab.


Robot Action: Update CRM Field

When critical events happen in Playbooks, reps often are required to go into the CRM to update the CRM to reflect those changes. For example, an organization may have a process where when a rep dispositions a call as Correct Contact the rep then needs to change the Lead Status in the CRM. Having to switch from Playbooks to Salesforce to routinely update data takes reps away from their work-flow and can slow them down.

Administrators can now create Robots that automatically update fields in the CRM, eliminating the need for reps to swivel to the CRM and manually make changes.

Example Use Cases:

  • When a rep marks a call as correct contact, change the lead status.
  • When a rep marks a play as successful, updated another field on the record automatically.
  • When a prospect clicks link, check a box on the record so that marketing knows the email address has been validated.

Administrators can find the new Update CRM Field Robot action in the Playbooks Manager tool in Robots.

Implementation Details

  • Only administrators can create Robots. Creating and editing Robots takes place in the Playbooks manager app in the Robots tab.


Advanced Filtering in Robots

Getting the exact right records triggering Robots is essential to really automate business processes using Playbooks. Up until this update, administrators have been limited to creating Robot rules that were limited to only the object being enrolled. For example, if an administrator was building a Robot to take actions on a contact, they could only filter on contact information from the CRM and not related records.

With this update, Administrators can now create advanced filter Robots that can enroll records using data on the record, but also on related objects.

Example Use Case:

  • An administrator wants to put all contacts WHERE there is a related opportunity greater than $x into a certain Play so they get more attention.
  • An administrator wants to put all contacts WHERE there is a related opportunity in the prospecting stage into a certain Play.

Configuring Advanced Filtering
Administrators can configure Advanced Filtering by editing a Robot, selecting the primary object (contact, lead, opportunity, account, etc), and then selecting the desired cross-object for filtering.

After selecting the desired related object, Administrators can use fields from that object to qualify the primary object into a Robot in the “If a person meets this criteria…” section.

Implementation Details

  • Only administrators can create Robots. Creating and editing Robots takes place in the Playbooks manager app in the Robots tab.


New Inbound Call Reporting

Knowing the source of inbound calls can help organizations more easily identify if their marketing dollars are generating results. For example, if a company runs a billboard or has a phone number on the website, knowing how many inbound calls and deals those campaigns have generated is essential to spending money on the right initiatives.

When a rep takes an inbound call, Playbooks creates a task in the CRM with information about that inbound call. With this update, Playbooks can now record even more information about the inbound calls. With this information administrators can better identify the source of inbound calls.

The following optional CRM data points are now available:

  • Call Path: Records which Call Path an inbound call came from. This is useful in analyzing if a certain campaign is working. To begin tracking this data, create a text field on the task object in the CRM called “Playbooks_Call_Path”.
  • Wait Time: Shows how long (in seconds) a call waited before it was answered or was routed out of the system. To begin tracking this data, create a number field on the task object in the CRM called “Playbooks_Wait_Time”
  • Inbound Number Dialed: Records the phone number that the prospect dialed. This is useful to look at how a specific number is generating inbound calls. To begin tracking this data, create a text field on the task object in the CRM called “Playbooks_Dialed_Number”
  • Rep Queue Name: Records the rep queue that the inbound call was answered from. This data is useful in identifying how deep a call went in a Call Path prior to being answered. To begin tracking this data, create a text field on the task object in the CRM called “Playbooks_Rep_Queue_Name”

Using these new data points, administrators can now easily create reports in their CRM showing inbound performance.

Implementation Details

  • To start recording the new information about inbound calls, CRM administrators will need to create the fields in their CRM and give them the appropriate API names.


Other Product Updates

  • Reps can now transfer inbound calls.
  • Addressed a handful of issues related to Robots.
  • Added tool-tip help text for various icons in Playbooks.
  • Added “business days” to clarify what days are counted between Play steps.
  • Added a new permission for Call Monitoring so that administrators can control who has access to live Call Monitoring.
  • Playbooks now shows reps what their caller-id is when they make an outbound call.
  • Changed play exporting so that they no longer include attachments when exported.
  • Improved the login screen for the Manager App.
  • Administrators can now change the default Call Path for direct inbound number calls.
  • Administrators can now configure Call Paths to route inbound calls first to the last rep who called a given prospect.
  • After creating a new contact on an account in the CRM, users can now sync the new contact immediately into Playbooks by clicking the sync option in the account.