October 4th, 2019 Product Update


Email Snippets

One of the most important things reps can do to get their emails noticed is by customizing the emails they send – truly making them their own. To customize email templates, reps have often saved common phrases or snippets of text that they frequently copy and paste into emails they send.

With the new Email Snippets functionality, reps and managers can now create snippets of commonly used text for email templates. Once a Snippet is created, reps can easily insert the Snippets into key areas in email templates.

Snippets are designed to help standardize email content, give reps flexibility over the emails they send, and save reps’ time as they move from one email to another.

Creating Snippets
Email Snippets can be created by reps in the Playbooks extension and by managers in the Manager App. To create a snippet, go to Templates, then select “Snippets” on the left. In the extension, reps can also click “Email Snippets” from the main menu.

All users have the ability to create Snippets – this functionality is not controlled by a permission. This decision was made primarily because reps are essentially already doing this by saving common phrases in applications like Microsoft Word and then copying them over into Playbooks emails.

Sharing Snippets

Users who are given the appropriate permission have the ability to share Snippets with other users. To share a Snippet, edit the desired Snippet and select teams to share the Snippet with. By default on release, only managers and administrators have the ability to share Snippets. Administrators can control who has the ability to share snippets by editing permissions in Permission Groups.

Using Snippets
To use a Snippet, simply go to an email, click into the email where a Snippet should be inserted, and click the new Snippet icon at the bottom. The snippet button looks like two quotation marks. Select the Snippet, and it will be automatically put into the body of the email.

Implementation Details

  • All users have the ability to create Snippets, but administrators can determine who can share Snippets.
  • By default, the Administrator and Manager permission groups have the ability to share email Snippets. All other permission groups, including custom, do not have sharing enabled by default.
  • Snippets cannot be used on locked email templates.


NeuralVerify in CRM (Salesforce Only)

NeuralVerify helps reps know if the contact information they have for a record is valid and if they are likely to be successful in their contacting attempts. With this update, NeuralVerify now appears next to phone numbers and email addresses natively within Salesforce. This will help reps as they decide who they want to target, or in situations where they are performing ad-hoc interactions via click-to-call and click-to-email.

Implementation Details

  • This functionality is enabled on a per-user basis from within the Playbooks extension. Users can enable or disable this functionality by going to Settings, then clicking Phone or Email and enabling or disabling it as desired.
  • By default on release this functionality will be ON for all users on phone number and email address fields.
  • This functionality is only available for customers on Salesforce CRM.
  • Learn more about NeuralVerify here.


CRM Connection Improvements (Salesforce Only)

Keeping Playbooks connected to Salesforce is essential as data is transferred between Playbooks and Salesforce. To help with this, there are several improvements being released to help managers monitor the connection.

  • A new column has been added to the CSV user export that shows if users are connected to Salesforce.
  • While viewing users of a team, administrators can now see if the users have a current connection to Salesforce.

Implementation Details

  • No implementation is required for this functionality.


Other Product Updates

  • Playbooks licenses are now used when assigned, and not when the invite is accepted by a user.
  • Playbooks now enforces the max character length on call log fields. This means reps cannot enter more than the field supports in the CRM.
  • A new permission has been created that controls if a user has access to the “Settings” page in the Manager Tool. This permission is called “Manage Settings”.
  • A new permission has been created for Smart Data Append.
  • A new permission has been created that controls if a user has access to the “Teams” page in the Manager Tool. This permission is called “Manage Teams”
  • The standard “Admin” permission group can now be edited, enabling administrators to remove or add functionality for those in the Admin group.
  • Users can now restore deleted Plays.