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Using the Click-to-Call Panel

By August 12, 2019February 7th, 2020No Comments

Using the Click-to-Call Panel

Details on how to “Get Ready for Outbound dials”, “Get Ready for Inbound calls”, “Logging a Call Task”, and all the features on the panel.

The InsideSales Click-to-Call panel allows you to make outbound dials, receive inbound calls, and streamline your task productivity. At the end of a call, you will be prompted to complete the Call Log right from the Click-to-Call panel.

Get Ready to Make Outbound Dials

Before you change any Settings or make your first dial, you should understand how calls are made using the system.

Related Article: How Calls are Made with the PowerDialer

Check out this article to learn how calls are made.

Get Ready for Outbound Dials:

  1. Start by clicking on the 3 dots in the top right corner of the dialer panel
  2. Then go to Settings
  3. Insert your Station Phone number (this is your direct phone number, the number InsideSales will use to call you)
  4. Select the Caller ID you would like to display if the option is available to you
  5. Optional – Select the Dialer List you would like to call from
  6. Hit the Apply button. Your panel will refresh and the changes will be saved.

Get Ready for Inbound Calls

While you are making outbound dials, you can opt to receive inbound calls. When an inbound call comes in, your panel will alert you of the incoming call, and give you the option to accept or ignore the call.

  1. Click the 3 dots in the top right corner of the dialer panel
  2. Then go to Settings
  3. Select when you would like to hear Inbound Call Chimes from the drop-down. You can select to hear chime on all calls, or only when you do not have an active agent leg (like when you are already making outbound dials)
  4. Recommended but optional – check the box to loop the chime so you will hear the chime until you elect to either accept or ignore the call
  5. Click the green Apply button to save your settings.
  6. Now, toggle the Ready for Inbound to ON.
  7. A new window will pop open to display your inbound availability.

Tip: You do not need to go ‘Ready for Inbound’ if Inbound dialing has not been setup through

Logging a Completed Call from the Click to Call

The mechanics of logging a call are very simple. After you end a call complete the ‘Current Call Log’ section which pops open on the Click to Call panel.

The ‘Current Call Log’ section can be customized, so your panel may look different than what is displayed below. We highly recommend having ‘Call Result’ on the Current Call Log and making it required. This field will be critical in data analysis of calls and Sales Rep activity.

Dialer Panel Buttons and Features

Best Number – Use InsideSales cross company data to determine the phone number most likely to answer. If there are multiple numbers listed on the record, you can click on the little carrot to see how the phone numbers are ranked based on previous dial history of calls made by all InsideSales customers.

Time Zone Information – This can quickly tell you the record’s time zone and what the current time is based on the area code of the phone number by hovering over the information circle to the right of the number.

Buttons That Can Be Added to the Panel

  • Connect to Dialer – Will call your Station phone to establish the agent leg, but does not call the prospect/customer
  • Dial – This button will dial the number that has been typed into the panel or if a record is loaded
  • Disconnect – Disconnect the Client Leg of the current call
  • Hold – Will place the prospect/customer on hold
  • Leave VM – Ability to leave a pre-recorded voice message.
  • Next Call –  Will load the next record of the specified list (in Settings) and auto dial the number listed on the record
  • Next Record – Will load the next record of the specified list (in Settings) but will not auto-dial the record
  • Record Call – If setting is enabled, recording will begin when button is clicked
  • Set Callback – This feature will pull the record out of the Seek List and only return at the specified date and time
  • View Callbacks – Presents a list of callbacks that you have set for a particular day
  • Show Keypad – Show a keypad for navigating an IVR or menu.
  • Transfer – The ability to transfer a call to someone else.

Dialer Panel Settings Fields and Definitions

  • Station Phone –  Phone that is used to make and receive calls.
  • Caller ID – Caller ID presented to customer/prospect.

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